POCSO 2012 LP’sOnline Test
POCSO 2012 LP’s Online Test
POCSO 2012 LP's Online Test
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LP’s Online Diglot Test Protection of child from sexual of fences act 2012 बालकों का लैंगिक अपराधों से संरक्षण अधिनियम 2012 ।
Lawpreparation’ s online test series –The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act was enacted in India in 2012 to address the growing concern of child sexual abuse and exploitation. It aims to provide a comprehensive legal framework for the protection of children from sexual offenses and to ensure their well-being and rehabilitation.
The POCSO Act defines various forms of sexual abuse against children and lays down stringent provisions to deal with offenders. It covers offenses such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, and the use of children in pornography. The Act also considers child grooming and luring as punishable offenses.
The Act recognizes the need for sensitive handling of cases involving child victims and establishes Special Courts to conduct trials. These courts are designed to be child-friendly, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for child victims to testify. They are also required to expedite the trial process to minimize the trauma experienced by the child.
Since its enactment, the POCSO Act has undergone several amendments to strengthen its provisions and improve the protection of children. In 2019, the Act was amended to include the death penalty as the maximum punishment for aggravated sexual assault on children. This amendment aimed to act as a deterrent and ensure severe punishment for heinous crimes against children.
The amendment also introduced the provision of mandatory reporting, which requires individuals, including medical professionals, teachers, and members of the public, to report any information regarding child sexual abuse. Failure to report such cases is punishable under the law. This provision encourages timely reporting and helps in identifying and apprehending offenders.
Another significant amendment introduced in 2019 was the provision of establishing Special Courts in every district to handle cases under the POCSO Act. This step aimed to enhance accessibility to justice for child victims, ensuring that cases are not delayed or transferred to distant courts, thus expediting the legal process.
Additionally, the Act emphasizes the rehabilitation and support of child victims. It provides for the appointment of Special Public Prosecutors to assist child victims throughout the legal proceedings. It also mandates the establishment of Child Welfare Committees in each district to oversee the welfare and protection of children during and after the trial.
The POCSO Act also addresses the issue of child pornography by making it a criminal offense to produce, distribute, or possess any form of child pornography. It includes strict provisions to curb the use of children in pornographic materials and to prevent the online exploitation of minors.
In conclusion, the POCSO Act of 2012, with its subsequent amendments, serves as a crucial legislation in India for the protection of children from sexual offenses. It provides a strong legal framework to ensure justice for child victims and acts as a deterrent against such heinous crimes. The Act also focuses on the rehabilitation and support of child victims, recognizing their special needs and vulnerabilities
पोक्सो एक्ट बच्चों के खिलाफ यौन अपराधों को परिभाषित करता है और अपराधियों के साथ कठोर न्याय के संबंध में कठिनताओं के साथ निपटने के लिए कठोर प्रावधान निर्धारित करता है। इसमें यौन हमला, यौन उत्पीड़न और बच्चों का पोर्नोग्राफी में उपयोग करने जैसे अपराध शामिल होते हैं। एक्ट ने बच्चे की ग्रूमिंग और लालच को भी दंडनीय अपराध माना है